This year’s Immersion Weekend at Seattle University was a heartwarming and empowering experience, bringing together a fantastic group of scholars for two days of learning, bonding, and personal growth. The 2024 school year brought a record number of applicants for GSBA’s Scholarship & Education Fund, and we welcomed 39 new students into our ever-growing cohort, bringing the total number of scholars to 70. That’s a 40% increase from last year! These scholars come from all walks of life, including undergraduates, graduate students, associate degree seekers, and workforce scholars, all set to make a big impact in their fields.

Friday kicked off with a warm welcome and a wellness session with Nicola Tannion Ph.D., setting the tone for a weekend filled with holistic support for our LGBTQ+ scholars. Students learned from practical sessions like “Making the Most of Your Scholarship” and Understanding Loans & Credit,” learning valuable tips for financial planning. In the afternoon, a thought-provoking discussion on “Navigating Advocacy + Allyship,” led by GSBA’s River Teslar, gave scholars tools to be strong advocates for themselves and their communities. To wrap up the day, a session on stress management helped everyone stay grounded and calm under pressure.

After a day packed with learning and networking, Friday evening brought some well-deserved fun! Scholars bonded over ice cream, took a stroll through the neighborhood, and enjoyed board games well into the night. It was a chance for everyone to relax, laugh, and build those connections that will last far beyond the weekend.

Saturday kept the energy going with roundtable discussions on topics like studying abroad, graduate school, and the post-grad job hunt. These chats allowed scholars to swap stories, ask questions, and dream big about their futures. A session on “Crafting Your Personal & Professional Brand,” presented by GSBA’s own Coe Clausen and Toraya Miller, gave practical advice on standing out in the academic and professional world, while the closing session, “What’s Yours to Own?” sparked deep conversations about identity, pressures, and staying true to oneself in a world that doesn’t always accept you.

We are incredibly grateful for the support from our sponsors—Chase, Salal Credit Union, T-Mobile, and Symetra. Their contributions made this weekend special, allowing our scholars to focus on learning, growing, and making connections that will shape their futures. Thanks to their support, our staff was able to facilitate, educate, and document the achievements of these amazing students.