It’s hard to think of the Seattle area without thinking about music. Music is in our blood, on our streets, and in everything we do as Seattleites. In that same vein, GSBA member Puget Soundworks isn’t just another music collective; it’s a vibrant, inclusive chorus that brings harmony and social justice to the Puget Sound region.

The History of Puget Soundworks

In 2018, Vanessa Grose, the founder of Puget Soundworks, realized something was missing in the Seattle choral scene. Among the many ensembles across the Puget Sound region, Vanessa envisioned a singing community that created beautiful music and fostered inclusivity, welcomed LGBTQ+ individuals, embraced diversity, and used its platform to amplify marginalized voices. Thanks to the dedication and perseverance of its founding team, this vision came to life as Puget Soundworks.

From the start, Puget Soundworks focused on creating a safe and welcoming environment for all gender identities and sexual orientations. They broke down traditional gender boundaries in choral music, providing a space where everyone could express themselves freely. This commitment to inclusivity resonated with the community, leading to sold-out performances and a rapidly growing membership.

Following their initial success, Puget Soundworks embarked on even more ambitious projects, expanding their reach and impact. However, the onset of the pandemic in 2020 brought new challenges, causing Puget Soundworks to swiftly transition to virtual operations, continuing to engage its community with innovative online performances.

Puget Soundworks Continues to Thrive

Nowadays, with their new Executive Director Kate Huisentruit at the helm, Puget Soundworks maintains a love for creating beautiful music that spreads joy, opens hearts, and entertains audiences. It continues to innovate with its performances and finding new ways to connect with its audience. “Having Puget Soundworks as a beacon for kindness, acceptance, social justice, and glorious music is the gift we need now. Community is more important than ever,” says Kate in an interview.

As a GSBA member since 2023, Puget Soundworks embodies the power of music and community. At GSBA, we are honored to support and celebrate their ongoing journey. Join us in applauding Puget Soundworks for their commitment to inclusivity, social justice, and creating music that resonates with the heart and soul of our community! Check out their latest show, “Queer Icons,” which debuted in Seattle on June 15th and will be available to stream online from July 5th – July 15th.