As the largest chamber of commerce for LGBTQ+ and allied members in North America, the GSBA provides a supportive platform for entrepreneurs, small to medium-sized businesses, corporations, and nonprofits dedicated to workplace diversity and equality in Washington State. This guide will provide the tools and support needed in fundraising for the Scholarship & Education Fund and the Workforce Development Fund.

By leveraging our collective networks, we can empower the next generation of LGBTQ+ scholars and professionals to achieve their dreams. As a valued member of GSBA, your role is crucial. Join us in making a difference and explore how you can contribute to our shared goal of fostering inclusivity and opportunity!

Why Fundraise for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund?

As a GSBA member, your support in fundraising for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund is vital. With nearly 600 scholars supported since 1991 and a record number of 372 applications last year alone, the need for financial assistance is clear.

In 2024, we proudly welcomed 39 exceptional new students into our cohort, a remarkable 40% increase over 2023. This growth is a testament to the impact of the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund. Additionally, we recently implemented the Workforce Development Fund to address the underrepresentation of LGBTQ+ individuals in high-demand trades. Your fundraising efforts can help us continue this inspiring progress!

Where Exactly Does the Money Go?

  • Scholarships and Grants: Your contributions directly fund scholarships and grants awarded to LGBTQ+ and trans students, covering tuition, books, housing, and other educational expenses, reducing financial barriers to higher education, and empowering students to pursue their academic goals.
  • Community Building: Through our events and initiatives, we foster a sense of belonging and community among LGBTQ+ scholars, creating spaces where they can connect, share experiences, and support each other on their educational journeys.
  • Career Development Workshops: We host workshops and seminars on career development, resume building, interview skills, and job search strategies, equipping our cohorts with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen fields.
  • Networking Opportunities: We provide networking opportunities with industry professionals, alumni, and fellow scholars, helping scholars expand their professional networks and access job opportunities and internships.
  • Emergency Assistance: Your donations help provide emergency assistance to students facing unexpected financial challenges, ensuring they can stay enrolled in school and continue their education.
  • Research and Advocacy: We invest in research and advocacy efforts aimed at advancing LGBTQ+ and trans rights, creating more inclusive educational environments, and advocating for policy changes and institutional support.
  • More Fundraising: Your fundraising efforts help GSBA organize and host future fundraising events, enabling us to grow the Scholarship & Education Fund further.

Member Toolkit: Fundraising for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund

Fundraiser Ideas:

Do you want to fundraise for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund but aren’t sure where to start? From themed menus to charity fitness classes, there are countless ways to help financially support our LGBTQ+ and trans students. Read below for some ideas to kickstart your campaign:


  • Themed Menu Items: Create a dedicated menu inspired by GSBA. Consider naming the items creatively to reflect GSBA’s values, with a portion of sales going to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.
  • Dine-out Event: Host a special themed dinner event where a percentage of each meal sold during the event is donated to the fund. Promote the event through social media, email newsletters, and in-store signage to attract diners looking to support LGBTQ+ causes.
  • Cooking Classes: Offer interactive cooking classes or demonstrations led by LGBTQ+ chefs or culinary experts. Charge a participation fee, with proceeds benefiting the fund.

Retail Stores:

  • Exclusive Merchandise: Design and sell exclusive themed merchandise such as T-shirts, pins, flags, or accessories featuring uplifting messages or designs that celebrate diversity. Allocate a percentage of sales from these items to the fund, and prominently display them in-store and online throughout the year.
  • Donation Boxes: Place branded donation boxes at checkout counters or high-traffic areas within the store, inviting customers to contribute spare change or make cash donations to support LGBTQ+ education. Use eye-catching signage to explain the purpose of the fund and encourage participation.
  • Fashion Show: Organize a vibrant fashion show showcasing clothing and accessories from LGBTQ+ designers or brands. Partner with local models, stylists, and makeup artists to create an inclusive and empowering event. Sell tickets to the fashion show, with proceeds benefiting the fund.

General Offices:

  • Casual Fridays: Implement a Casual Fridays initiative where employees can dress casually in exchange for donating to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund. Encourage staff to express themselves by wearing Pride-themed attire or accessories, fostering a sense of inclusivity and support within the workplace.
  • Office BBQ: Host a themed office barbecue where employees contribute homemade dishes to share with colleagues. Encourage participation by suggesting a donation amount per plate or encouraging attendees to contribute what they can. Use the gathering as an opportunity to raise awareness about the fund and its impact.
  • Silent Auction: Organize a silent auction featuring donated items, services, or experiences from local businesses, community members, or colleagues. Items could range from gift baskets and artwork to gift certificates and unique experiences. Promote the auction within the office and online and set up bidding stations where employees can place bids throughout the event.

Professional Services:

  • Pro Bono Services: Dedicate a day or week to offering pro bono services to clients, with all proceeds generated during this period donated to the fund. Highlight the importance of giving back to the community and supporting LGBTQ+ education through the firm’s expertise and resources.
  • Networking Event: Host a professional networking event or panel discussion focused on LGBTQ+ issues, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. Invite industry experts, thought leaders, and LGBTQ+ advocates to share insights and engage with attendees. Charge admission or sponsorship fees, with proceeds directed towards the fund.
  • Skill-based Workshops: Organize skill-based workshops, training sessions, or seminars tailored to clients’ or community members’ professional interests and needs. Offer these sessions at a nominal fee, with a percentage of proceeds earmarked for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund. Topics could include leadership development, business strategy, or diversity training.

Fitness Centers (Gyms, Yoga Studios, Personal Trainers):

  • Charity Fitness Classes: Host special fitness classes or workout sessions throughout the year, with proceeds from class fees donated to the fund. Offer themed classes such as Pride-themed yoga, dance fitness, pole dancing, or outdoor boot camps to attract participants and promote community wellness.
  • Charity Challenges: Organize fitness challenges or competitions among members, encouraging participants to set personal fitness goals while raising funds for LGBTQ+ education. Incorporate friendly competition, incentives, and prizes to motivate participants and foster a sense of community support.
  • Donation-based Classes: Introduce donation-based fitness classes where participants can contribute any amount they wish to attend. Emphasize the collective impact of small donations and the power of community support in advancing LGBTQ+ education and empowerment.


  • Themed Treats: Create a selection of themed baked goods, such as rainbow cupcakes, cookies, or pastries, with a portion of sales donated to the GSBA fund.
  • Coffee for a Cause: Offer a special themed coffee blend or beverage, with a percentage of proceeds from each cup sold supporting LGBTQ+ education initiatives.
  • Bake Sale: Organize a community bake sale featuring homemade treats contributed by staff, customers, and local supporters, with all proceeds directed towards the fund.


  • Themed Events: Host special themed nights or events at the bar or nightclub, with a portion of door cover charges or drink sales donated to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.
  • Drag Shows: Partner with local drag performers to host charity drag shows or performances, with ticket sales benefiting LGBTQ+ education programs.
  • Trivia Nights: Organize LGBTQ+ trivia nights or themed quiz events, with entry fees or raffle ticket sales contributing to the fund.

Tech Companies:

  • Charity Coding Hackathon: Host a charity coding hackathon or software development challenge focused on creating LGBTQ+-inclusive technology solutions or apps. Charge participation fees or seek sponsorship, with proceeds supporting the fund.
  • Tech Talks: Organize educational tech talks or workshops on LGBTQ+ topics, diversity in tech, or inclusive design principles, with ticket sales or donations for the fund.
  • Product Donations: Offer to donate a percentage of sales from specific tech products or software licenses to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.

Creative Studios (Art, Design, Photography, Music):

  • Art Auction: Curate and host an art auction featuring works by local artists or studio members, with a percentage of sales donated to the fund.
  • Photo Shoot Fundraiser: Offer discounted or special-themed photo shoots or portrait sessions, with a portion of session fees directed towards the fund.
  • Art Classes: Teach art classes or workshops focused on painting, drawing, music, or crafting, with proceeds from class fees supporting the fund.

Healthcare Practices (Dental, Medical, Wellness):

  • Health Fair: Organize a health fair or wellness event offering free or discounted screenings, consultations, and services, with optional donations benefiting LGBTQ+ education programs.
  • Charity Dental Day: Host a charity dental clinic day offering discounted or pro bono dental services to patients, with voluntary contributions to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.
  • Fitness Challenges: Offer fitness challenges or wellness programs, with participation fees or donations supporting the fund.

Fundraising Tips:

You don’t have to be an expert in finances to help earn money! By following these simple tips, you can run a successful fundraiser for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund:

  • Know Your Goal: Be clear about why you’re raising funds. Whether it’s for the Scholarship & Education Fund or another project, having a specific goal will help guide your efforts.
  • Understand Your Supporters: Consider who might be interested in supporting your cause. Consider their interests and motivations to tailor your message to resonate with them.
  • Plan Ahead: Take some time to plan out your fundraising efforts. Set a timeline, decide how much money you want to raise, and determine how to reach your target audience.
  • Tell Stories: Share stories about why your cause matters. Personal stories can help people connect emotionally and inspire them to donate.
  • Use Different Methods: Don’t rely on just one method to raise money. Use various methods, such as social media, emails, events, and word of mouth, to reach more people.
  • Get Others Involved: Ask friends, family, and colleagues to help spread the word about your fundraiser. The more people you involve, the more successful your fundraiser will be.
  • Offer Something in Return: Consider offering incentives to donors, like a thank-you note or a small gift. It shows appreciation and encourages people to donate.
  • Keep Supporters Updated: Keep donors informed about how much money you’ve raised and how it’s being used. Regular updates help build trust and keep people engaged.
  • Keep It Simple: Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated. Stick to what you know and focus on what works best for you.
  • Be Honest and Transparent: Always be honest about where the money is going and how it will be used. Transparency builds trust with donors and keeps them coming back.

Promotional Resources:

When planning a campaign, having high-quality promotional materials is important to get the word out. Whether preparing a charity dinner, a community bake sale, or a skill-based workshop, our ready-to-use resources will help captivate your audience and fundraise for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.

Social Media Copy Templates & Resources:

Example Social Media Posts for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund
Live Example of a Fundraising Social Media Post
Use Hashtags in 2023: A Guide for Every Network (
Fundraise on Social Media: 12 Tips to Increase Donations (
Ask for Donations on Social Media [Examples!] (

PR Templates & Resources:

Member Resource – How to Write a Press Release
Live Example of Press Release
Write a Press Release: A Step-by-Step Guide | Grammarly Blog
How to Write a News Article | Grammarly
Send a Press Release Email to Journalists [Example] (

Email Announcement Templates & Resources:

How to Write The Perfect Fundraising Email [TEMPLATES] | Classy
Free Download – Sample Donation Thank You Email Template (
8 Email templates for nonprofit fundraising – Streak
14 Fundraising Letters & Templates to Inspire More Support (


To save the logos above, right-click each picture and save it to your device individually.

Photos from 2023’s Scholar Celebration 

Taken by Diwas Photography – please credit accordingly!

To save the Scholars’ Celebration images above, right-click the picture and save it to your device.

Donation QR Code:

To save the QR code, right-click on the image and save it to your device.

Partnerships and Sponsorships:

Using strategic partnerships and collaborations with neighboring businesses, you can leverage collective resources, networks, and expertise to boost your fundraising efforts and make a meaningful difference for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund! Here are some tips:

  • Identify Potential Partners: Contact neighboring businesses and local influencers who share your commitment to LGBTQ+ education. Look for synergies in values, customer demographics, or geographic proximity.
  • Propose Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: Present potential partners with clear and compelling reasons why they should join forces with you. Highlight the benefits of supporting the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund, such as positive brand exposure, community goodwill, and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth.
  • Offer Customized Partnership Opportunities: Tailor your partnership proposals to fit each potential partner’s unique needs and priorities. Whether co-hosting a fundraising event, cross promoting each other’s businesses, or collaborating on a joint marketing campaign, ensure the partnership aligns with your goals and objectives and GSBA’s.

Tracking and Reporting:

Tracking your fundraiser’s progress for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund is always a good idea – that way everyone knows exactly how much money has been earned, who’s working on what project, etc. Below are some different tools you can use to help track and report your fundraiser:

  • Google Sheets: An adaptable and free option for creating spreadsheets to monitor donations, donor details, and fundraising progress. It allows for easy collaboration and sharing among team members, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.
  • Bloomerang: The donor management and fundraising software used by GSBA! With a user-friendly interface and robust reporting capabilities, it offers features such as donor profiles, online donation tracking, and campaign management at an affordable price, suitable for businesses looking to support charitable causes.
    Note: If you have questions about Bloomerang, contact
  • QuickBooks Online: A cloud-based accounting solution offering tools for tracking donations, expenses, and financial reports. It’s user-friendly and can help streamline donation management for businesses interested in fundraising efforts.
  • Trello: A free project management tool for organizing fundraising campaigns, tracking tasks, and collaborating with team members. Create boards and lists to manage fundraising activities effectively.
  • Square: A payment processing solution offering affordable transaction fees. Use Square to accept donations online, in person, or via mobile devices, and easily track donation amounts and sources.
  • Mailchimp: An email marketing platform with free and paid plans. It can be used to send donation requests, newsletters, and event invitations and to track engagement metrics.
  • Google Analytics: This free web analytics tool offers insights into website traffic and online donation conversions. Use Google Analytics to track donation page performance and optimize your online fundraising strategy.

Additional Resources:

Here, you’ll find links to relevant websites, contact information for GSBA staff, and other valuable resources to assist you in fundraising for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.

Contact Information:

Helpful Links:

Member Toolkit: Member Fundraising Success Stories

Pike Brewing:

Pike Brewing proudly supports LGBTQ+ education and equality through its annual Pride beer. This year, they’ve brewed a delightful Helles Lager, perfect for summer enjoyment. Throughout the summer months, Pike Brewing pledges to donate a portion of beer sales to the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund. But during Pride Weekend, they’re taking it further, contributing $1 from each pint sold at their Pike Pub, Pike Fish Bar, and Pike Taproom Ballard locations. During their 2019 fundraiser, Pike Brewing raised $2,000 for GSBA scholarships.

Moshi Moshi Sushi and Izakaya:

Moshi Moshi Sushi and Izakaya participate in fundraising efforts during Pride Month with its annual Rainbow Roll promotion. For every sale of the Rainbow Roll throughout June, Moshi Moshi donates $2 to the GSBA Scholarship Fund. Talk about a delicious excuse to enjoy sushi and sake! In 2023 alone, Moshi Moshi fundraised almost $1,000 for the Scholarship & Education Fund.


Even big companies like Lime are getting in on the philanthropy fun! In 2023, Lime fundraised for the Scholarship & Education Fund by donating a portion of the proceeds from their special rainbow-wrapped bikes. Not only does that help you get around Seattle in style, but it also helps support LGBTQ+ youth in furthering their education. Last year, Lime graciously fundraised $5,000 for GSBA’s Scholarship and Education Fund.

Descendant Cellars:

We can always count on Descendant Cellars to fundraise for the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund! In addition to offering a special rosé with proceeds benefiting the scholarship fund, they’ve generously donated their locally crafted wines to a handful of GSBA fundraising events. Plus, they’re hosting a “Raise Your Glass” event in May, inviting fellow businesses and patrons to support the GSBA Scholarship & Education Fund.


Marination, the beloved Seattle eatery, spiced up Pride with a delicious fundraiser! They brought back their iconic non-dairy Pride Pops, with $1 from each sale directly supporting the GSBA Scholarship Fund. Marination’s flavorful treats delighted customers while helping to fund the education of queer youth, raising $350 for the Scholarship & Education Fund.